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Varah Regular


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Varah Regular
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herunterladen Varah Regular


Dateiname : Varahca_.ttf

Size : 107.71 Kb

Lizenztyp: Free

13% likes

Schriftart Infos:

AutorDavid Rakowski
Eingestellt vomwebmaster
KategorieDingbats > Verschiedene
Datum zugegeben20 August 2004
Besuche4131 mal
BeschreibungVarahCaps is a set of illuminated ArtNouveau capitals. VarahCaps is Shareware with a difference; your check for $4.99 should be made out to Columbia University and sent to Cynthia Lemiesz, 703 Dodge Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 where the payments are treated as tax-deductible donations to help the sadly underfunded Columbia Composers put on their concerts.If you pass it on to your friends (and please DO) all files in this package must be distributed together, unaltered, including the file you are reading.



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